Love of Christ Church // What we Believe
We Believe...

•Jesus came to preach the Gospel, heal the brokenhearted and destroy the works of the devil. We believe that Jesus has given the church the responsibility and His authority to complete this same task and one day we will be judged on how faithful we are in this assignment.

•In the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to develop every believer into becoming a faithful, productive follower of Christ where every member becomes a player, not just a mere spectator. All Christians are part of the priesthood of believers and have been called into ministry, and that ministry is not limited to ordained staff pastors but is open to all.

•In the power of the Word of God found in the scriptures to change lives. It is without error, inspired by God, and the study, meditation, reading, and anointed teaching has power to transform ours lives and our church into a powerful demonstration of the Kingdom of God. (2 Timothy 3:16)

•In the full devotion to Jesus Christ as Lord of every part of our lives. This faith is demonstrated in our finances, families, work and service to others.

•Faith expressing itself in love is the supreme earmark of a Christian. (Galatians 5:6)

•Lost people matter to God and should matter to us.

•True ministry and evangelism is built upon personal relationships, and the best way to lead others to faith is through prayer, acts of kindness, sharing our testimony and inviting them to church or a small group.

•Leadership promotion is based upon being faithful in small things, humble servant attitude, spiritual gifting and practical training.

•Prayer is the key to success in doing anything for God. We can do nothing without His power, but with Him, nothing is impossible to those who believe and will pray.