Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church // Who We Are

Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a Reformed church in Tucson, AZ. We are a church where the Bible is sincerely believed and faithfully taught. We are a mission work of the Southern California Presbytery of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church—a church devoted to being reformed according to scripture.

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) was founded in 1936 under the leadership of J. Gresham Machen in reaction to unacceptable theological liberalism that had gained wide acceptance in the Northern Presbyterian Church. Our officers hold to the inerrancy of the Scriptures. They also hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith with its Larger and Shorter Catechisms, and have agreed to abide by the government, discipline, and worship of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church as outlined in the Book of Church Order. More information about the history, beliefs, and practices of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church can be found

The Southern California Presbytery is made up of member churches in Southern California and Arizona. In Arizona, those churches include Calvin Presbyterian Church (Phoenix, AZ) and Prescott Presbyterian Church(Prescott, AZ). There are also three OPC mission works in Arizona: Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church (Tucson, AZ), Verde Valley Reformed Chapel (Cottonwood, AZ), Iglesia Nueva Vida—a Spanish speaking mission work in Phoenix.