United Evangelical Church of America Foundation // Purpose

God is, has been, and will always be. He created everything, and is still creating. God is over everything, and there is no other like Him. God loves you more than you can possibly imagine, no matter what “stuff” may be in your past, and there is nothing you can do to make God love you any more or any less.

Jesus is God’s Son. He came to earth to model God’s love and grace, voluntarily die on a cross for the sins of every person, and be brought back to life so we could all be reunited with God now and forever. Our sins have been bought and paid for by Jesus’ sacrifice. When we believe that Jesus is who He says He is, we find a perfect Friend who welcomes us with open arms just the way we are.

The Holy Spirit is God’s actual Spirit that lives in us when we choose to be a follower of Jesus. The Spirit gives us amazing power and gifts, and helps us grow to be more like Jesus.

The Bible is God’s Word for us, His children. It’s true and reliable.

Our passion is simple- to be a Jesus centered faith community that lives to serve others.

Try to put aside what you know about church. Instead, think resources and energy for people and events, not for buildings and programs. Think “movement”, not institution. Think connecting with and serving folks, in Jesus’ name, offering help, hope, and home.

What does it take to make a church? We are the church...a church without walls with assemblies across the globe. United Evangelical Church of America goes back to the realization that the believers in Christ are the church in its entirety, and that Christ is the leader of that church. UECA is the real 1st Century Church, enabling ALL Christians to come together for the common good that proceeds from Christ Jesus and His works.

A denomination that is non-denominational. We are the presence of all churches for the glory of God and His work here on earth. The United Evangelical Church America is the premiere provider of tools for the evangelist, chaplain, and pastor. UECA has over various churches here and abroad desiring to be put to work for the Glory of our Lord, and they are finding refuge in our denomination?s ability to help. Large and small churches are seeking endorsement and help within our church from leadership such as UECA. Come back to the church that God built, and what our savior Jesus Christ commissioned us to do, and that is to loose the walls of confinement and Love one another as well as our neighbor.