The person of Jesus Christ is central to all we do and through Him we have relationship with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Bible - we are a Bible-based church. We are committed to the Bible as the Word of God and our final authority for rule and practice. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit - we are a Spirit-filled church. We believe that each Christian should develop the fruit of the Spirit and seek to use the gifts of the Spirit for the benefit of others. Discipleship - we are a maturing church. Our goal is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Prayer - we are a praying church. Our goal is become a house of prayer for all nations. Worship - we are a worshipping church. Our goal is to express our devotion to God through joyful praise and intimate worship. Loving Relationships - we are a loving church. Our goal is to see every person loved and cared for in such a way that they feel accepted, valued and have a sense of belonging. Servant-hood - we are a serving church. Our goal is to see every member developing their God-given abilities and using them to serve others. Outreach - we are an evangelistic church. Our goal is to reach lost people both near and far and influence our community for righteousness through evangelism, community outreach and missions. Relevance - we are a contemporary church. Our goal is to present the message of Christ in a way that is meaningful to the common everyday person. Diversity - we are a unified church. Our goal is to bridge racial, cultural, gender, socio-economic and generational gaps so as to create a community where all people can relate together in a spirit of love and unity. Excellence - we are a quality church. Our goal is to pursue excellence in all aspects of church life in order to bring glory to God.
Sunday Praise-Worship-Ministry 10:00am
Wednesday Faith-Family-Finance Training 7:00pm
Wednesday OutBreak Youth Ministry 7:00pm
Organization type: Church - Non-Denominational
Phone: (610) 434-5545
Member since: 11/9/2011