We are a multi-racial church. We believe that no matter who you and what your race may be, we are all brothers and sisters in the Lord. We believe in the Word of God being the final authority for our lives, we believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the evidence of speaking in other tongues. So come and join us in our anointed power pack services where the Spirit of God is in control.
Sunday Training School 10:00am Sunday Worship 11:30am Monday Prayer (except 1st Monday) 7:30pm Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm 1st & 3rd Friday Teen Power Night 6:30pm Women of Virtue & Honor Fellowship: 4th Thursday each month 7:30pm 4th Sunday Fellowship (dress down) Dinner served after service 11:30am
Email: assemofworship@aol.com
Organization type: Church - Non-Denominational
Phone: (912) 287-1466
Website: www.assemblyofworship.org
Member since: 1/18/2011