Holy Temple Church Of God

We welcome you to worship with us at anytime. We are a church founded on prayer and love. From ou pastor and members"We love you and ther's nothing you can do about it!"

Mission Statement:
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matt. 11:28-30)."

It is faith, that we believe and honor God and His creation of all people and everything that was made. By this fact, we are committed to being good stewards in his service, and for the betterment of mankind.

Therefore, it is the mission of Holy Temple Church Of God, Inc., to teach and preach the full Gospel of Jesus Christ, to relieve misery and distress in the community and abroad. And:

- Through the Spirit of God, to speak truthfully to all mankind.
- To instill in others, that even under stress, we can and must, remain faithful.
- To be empowered by God's spirit to be perfect: a) Being in good comfort and of one mind, b) Enabling others to escape temptation through teaching and instruction of how to resist, c) "For God is with us."
- To help mankind understand the need and dependence upon each others -- I need you and you need me in the body of Christ: For God wants our All!!
- To comfort those in trouble, in humility and wisdom by the same comfort God gives to me individually -- sincerely and unselfishly.
- To help others come to the realization and understanding that everyone needs Christ as his/her Savior, in order to be reconciled back to God!
- To promote the willingness to share (my) blessings with whomever the Spirit of God leads, or whomever has a need.
- To share openly with everyone I meet, "Agape Love."

Being "The Place of Refuge", we extend to mankind everywhere, the invitation to come share with us, the Love of Christ.

Whether your need for our church is now, or at a later time, we are here to encourage; regardless of race, creed, color, gender, age, or, anything else that separates individuals from achieving productive lives.

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am
Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00pm
Tuesday Bible Study 7:00pm
Friday Praise Service 7:00pm

Organization type: Church - Pentecostal

Phone: (614) 294-2269

1072 E 14th Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43211

Member since: 11/9/2011