July Newsletter
Important date's: July 3rd: school wide BBQ please sign up on your class sign in sheet. July 4th: school closed for the 4th of July. We will start off July by celebrating our great country that we all live in and being thankful for all of God's blessings and the freedom's that we have in the USA . Also this month each class will be learning about all the things in and about the ocean, This is a fun and exciting month of learning as we dive deep into all things related to the ocean life. What plants live in the ocean? what kind of animals live in the ocean? do only fish live in the ocean? and one of our all-time favorite stories " The Rainbow fish." We have moved our Chapel day to Tuesdays for the summer and we have our famous "water day" on Wednesdays. Please label all of your child's items as they all seam to end up in a pile at the end of the day. This month we are light on enrollment and our teachers are eager to take advantage of the lighter days. If you are going to be late to school please call by 9 am so that we may plan our days accordingly with proper staffing. "The times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord." ACTS 3:19
Lisa Anderson (allsaintseuc@yahoo.com)
