Canyon Del Oro Assembly of God
<div id="sidebar-service-schedule"> <p>SUNDAYS: Family Discipleship Classes 9:00am* (Sunday School for all ages) Morning Worship Service 10:15 am* Sonshine Kids Club 10:15 am* (Children's Modular building 1st-4th grade) Young Children's Classes 10:15 am* (Main building: ages 2-kindergarden) Evening Services various times Refer to Small Groups WEDNESDAYS: Mid-week prayer service 7:00 pm* (Sanctuary) Youth Service - Middle School &amp; High School 7:00 pm* (Youth modular Building) Missionette's Girl's program: 3yrs to 6th grade 7:00 pm* (Main building) Royal Rangers: Boy's program: 3yrs to 6th grade 7:00 pm* (Children's modular building) * Nursery is provided for all services (newborn to 3 yrs)</p> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Organization type: Church - Pentecostal

Phone: 5207421168

2950 W Lambert Ln
Tucson, Arizona 85742

Member since: 5/26/2012