Dayspring Sanctuary Ministry // Our Beliefs

Our view of church is that of a sanctuary and not a
mortuary. The church is not in our opinion an isolation camp, an exclusive
preserve with the tag 'FOR SAINT'S ONLY'. Rather, we recognize the church as an hospital
for sinners and not a picnic for saints. Our motive is to raise true disciples
and not just mere converts. This we do through impactful sermons and more of
practical "How To" sermons and fewer "Ought To" sermons. We align with our lord
Jesus who taught profound truths in simple ways unlike today where people teach
simple truths in profound ways. Practical Christianity is obviously in short
supply these days, beyond passing bible knowledge to the people. In the republic
of mediocrity, excellence is endangered hence, we belief in being role models to
others through our sincere and exemplary Christian lifestyles as we ourselves
strive to keep growing in the Lord being conscious of the fact that we have not
yet attained perfection.