Ascension Lutheran Church // Ministry Priorities

Guided by our vision, we are working to address the following seven ministry priorities.

Sunday morning ministries

Maintain and enhance Sunday morning ministries. The whole of the Sunday morning experience is what has grown and continues to empower Ascension.

Worship space

Address worship environment needs. Worship is central to the life of this congregation.


Maintain and enhance the youth-related ministries at Ascension. A majority of Ascension’s membership growth continues to come from families who are attracted by the Sunday school, confirmation, and youth ministries.

Spiritual growth

Maintain and enhance the opportunities for spiritual growth for adult members of Ascension. Members seek and value personal spiritual growth.


Involve more members in leading and doing the work of Ascension’s ministries and mission. Dedicated and dependable members and lay leaders are essential to Ascension’s continued vitality and growth.

Christian service

Maintain and enhance the Christian Service ministry at and through Ascension. Established programs and new initiatives in this area are generating fresh energy and enthusiasm.

Witness in daily life

Encourage members of Ascension in their ministry of daily life, sharing the love of God through witness, serving others, caring for the earth, pursing peace, working for justice. Mature faith growth happens when members put their faith into action in their daily life.