Baptist Church of the Covenant // What We Believe

What We Believe

Baptist Church of the Covenant holds dear historical Baptist principles, such as:
  • the Priesthood of all Believers
  • the Autonomy of the Local Church
  • Inspiration of Scripture
  • Religious Liberty
  • the celebration of Baptism and the Lord's Supper as our ordinances
When the church was chartered, twelve statements of commitment were adopted that apply to the individual member as well as the corporate community.

Corporate Commitments

We commit ourselves to:
  • A membership that is open to all persons who accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and who desire to pattern their lives after the teachings of Christ.
  • A caring fellowship that seeks to incarnate the love of Christ in individual lives, expressed in warmth and concern for the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of one another as we minister in harmonious Christian love.
  • A prophetic proclamation of the Christian faith that is responsible and free, fervently evangelical, socially concerned, and relevant to our needs as a caring fellowship in today's society.
  • A ministry to our community that expresses our commitment to a risen Lord in a free, creative, and flexible manner.
  • A program of Christian education that is advanced, innovative, and based on sound biblical interpretation.

Personal Commitments

I commit myself to:
  • Seek a deepening relationship with Christ through daily Bible study, private devotion, and personal prayer.
  • Live in a way that demonstrates my personal response to the Christian ethic in the family, in the church, and in the total community.
  • Worship regularly with this congregation, regarding each opportunity for corporate worship as a high priority occasion in my life.
  • Prepare myself for the fulfillment of my commitment through participation in the educational activities of the church.
  • Engage in active ministry in my occupation, in my daily contacts, and in the ministries of the church to the community.
  • Give sacrificially of my money as one tangible expression of a wholehearted self-giving stewardship of all of life, with the tithe as a guide.
  • Give myself in loving concern for individuals within the church, supporting them in life needs, seeking to be an instrument of redemption and reconciliation, and recognizing the freedom and dignity of personal convictions within the bonds of unity.