Bellview Baptist Church // About Us

We are glad you are here! As our community grows, it is an honor to have many families visit with us each Lord's Day. Our staff and our congregation want to make you feel welcome and we will be glad to help you in any way we can.

We invite you to consider becoming a member of Bellview Baptist in one of the following ways.

  • If you desire to become a Christian, ask God to forgive you of your sins and commit to live your life according to the example of Jesus Christ Daily, and publicly share your decision with others through baptism by immersion in water. We invite you to join us for worship service, and at the close of the service, there will be an invitation for you to come forward and make your decision public. If you prefer not to come forward during worship service, but would like to talk to someone about your decision, please contact us at the church office or the contact us page of this website.

  • If you are already a Christian, you may (1) transfer your membership from another Baptist Church, (2) share a statement of your salvation experience and baptism by immersion in another denomination with someone from our invitation prayer team, or (3) present yourself for baptism by immersion if you are coming from a Christian denomination that does not baptize by immersion. (Requiring Baptism by immersion does not deny your previous commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but is affirming the Baptist interpretation of baptism.)


We look forward to visiting with you in person soon!!