Tim LaHaye Ministry // FAQ


What is the "take-away" message of the Left Behind series?


Nothing is more important than making a decision NOW where you stand with Jesus Christ. Don't wait until it is too late. Read the Gospel of John from the Bible and consider your life in light of God's love. Receiving Christ, will be the single most important decision of your life.


How much of the Bible contains prophecy?


28% - That's how much of the Bible is dedicated to prophecy. Surprised? Most people are. Do you focus 28 percent of your personal Bible study on prophecy? Probably not and maybe it's because prophecy seems too confusing. We suggest you read one of the LaHaye prophecy study books to discover Bible prophecy and give you the tools to accurately interpret biblical prophecy for yourself.


How much of the Bible is devoted to the prophecy of the second coming of Christ?


You may already know the Old Testament predicted Christ's first coming (about one hundred prophecies). But did you know there are five times as many prophecies concerning his second coming? Knowing of God's faithfulness throughout the ages assures us of his faithfulness in the days to come. We suggest you read the LaHaye/Jenkins book: Are We Living In The End Times? This book will take away some of the mystery and help you to realize just how important prophecy is to God.


What was your vision behind the Left Behind-series?


My vision for Left Behind came right out of my many years of prophetic Bible studies which literally declares there will be a rapture of all believers world wide by Jesus Christ when He fulfills His promise in John 14:1-3 to come again and take believers to “His Father’s house.” World conditions today give ample evidence that such an event could come relatively soon which makes it imperative that all Christians do everything they can to assure that all men come to faith in Christ as the divine Son of God who died for their sins and rose again so they will not be LEFT BEHIND.


Where did the idea come from to write Left Behind?


The idea came to Dr. LaHaye while riding on an airplane. Once God inspired him to write a fictional account of the end times, he knew it would be important to co-write it with someone who was more skilled in creating an engaging story line. When Dr. LaHaye met Mr. Jenkins, they talked a lot about the whole concept. The way they work together is that Dr. LaHaye provides the scriptural and prophetic information and Jerry writes the story line. Then they go over it together and make adjustments where needed. Each book was written for the purpose of bringing people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


The Left Behind books have brought me closer to God, but I still have questions. Where can I find more answers?


We are thrilled to hear from so many who have come to a deeper understanding of their need for a Savior through the Left Behind series. As Christians, we believe that Jesus was a perfect sacrifice who died for our sins and that all who believe in Him will join Him in heaven. One need only repent of the wrongdoing in his or her life and by faith accept Jesus as Savior to become a child of God. It's as simple and uncomplicated as that.

Once you have made the decision to follow Jesus you will want to (1) read your Bible regularly, (2) pray for direction, and (3) find a good, local Bible believing church so you can spend time with other Christians. If you do these things you will grow in your new Christian life. A couple of good LaHaye books to assist your Christian growth would be, How to Study the Bible for Yourself, Perhaps Today, and How to Find God’s Will for Your Life. (All are available on our website)

Here are two excellent online resources that will help bring you into a closer relationship with God. Please visit www.needhim.org or www.gospelcom.net. If you prefer a phone call try 1 (800) NEED HIM.


For many years Dr. LaHaye has stated that we are living in the end times, does he still believe this to be true?


Since no one knows the day or the hour our Lord will return I have been careful not to say we are the end times generation. What I said was our generation has more reason to believe this than any generation that has lived before us. Ever since Israel was formed and almost six million Jews have moved there it is obvious that God’s prophetic clock is ticking. I would stick to that, with rogue nations and uncontrollable terrorists on the horizon who think they can kill themselves to get into heaven by blowing up people it is just a matter of time before they get access to suitcase neutron bombs…even secular scientists are saying they see little hope for the future beyond twenty-five to fifty years. I still think we are living in the last days. How long that will be no one knows.


Is there anything in the Bible that would suggest we are truly in the last days, based on recent weird weather and natural disaster events?


According to Matthew 24 and Luke 21, in a sermon known as the Olivet Discourse, Jesus predicted that catastrophes in the skies and on the earth and sea would increase in the last days. These could be the last days, or they could just be a warning from God that life is uncertain and all men should get right with God while there is still time. God’s Word clearly states and in fact it is forbidden to speculate on the day or hour of our Lord’s return. Having said that, we should take into account that our generation has more reason to believe Christ could come in our lifetime that any other generation before us. That doesn’t mean that He will, but it does mean we should be ready at any moment IF He should shout from Heaven to rapture us to go up with Him to the Father’s house.


What would you say to people who read too much into the fiction you are writing?


Hopefully our books will help people realize it is time to heed Jesus' warning, When you see these things begin to come to pass, look up for your redemption draws near. (Luke 21:28) Since our fiction writing is biblically based, these books are a way to cause people to think and get prepared.


What are your hopes and prayers for new novels?


Recently after I finished preaching a young couple asked me to sign a well worn copy of LEFT BEHIND which they told me they read to each other while on their honeymoon drive across the country. Their hearts were so moved that they pulled off the road and together prayed to receive Christ. After their honeymoon they went home and got involved in a Bible believing local church. We receive hundreds of letters, emails, or personal stories such as this one.

We have received such letters from the BABYLON RISING series as well. That is the icing on the cake for an author. I can see no other reason for my involvement in fiction unless it is to help the reader spiritually. Just like the pastor of a church, every sermon is designed to take the congregation from where they are spiritually to where God wants them to be.

Jerry and I pray that the same will be true with our new JESUS CHRONICLES series.


I want to get into writing. What should I do?


Regardless of your age, consider taking some journalism classes. A good writer is also a good reader, so read many books. We highly recommend that you learn more about the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild. Visit them at www.ChristianWritersGuild.comand request a free introductory packet. Students around the world are discovering ways to improve their skills and broaden their writing focus through the Guild.