AgapeWORKS, LLC // About Us

Our story began in June 2007 when Ian Davies presented an idea to James Smith about a website where individuals could post needs and have those needs met by the Church body. Later, one of our customers approached James asking for software to help manage a service project from the church’s end. The two projects were extremely compatible, and AgapeServes was born.

As AgapeServes began to take shape we realized the need to gather all of the administrative tasks that accompany such projects into one interface: AgapeWorks. The two systems together offer the lone pastor the freedom to focus on his calling and service of the Church body rather than on all of the church’s IT management needs. It was with this very purpose in mind that we founded James 1:17 in 2004; we saw that most small and growing churches had very ineffective websites – if any websites at all. Our web platform began as a tool to change that, and has now grown ever since. Now, our Church Management System allows even the smallest of churches to maintain a free and effective web presence.

We continue to grow our system and plan to be the one stop shop for church administration software. Our goal is to give the small and growing church pastor the peace of mind to focus on the sermon knowing that AgapeWorks is handling the administration.

Our heart is for Jesus our Savior. He told us to love our neighbors as ourselves. We hope that by offering AgapeServes and AgapeWorks to church leaders and believers at large, we will be able to help the entire Church body do exactly that.

Thank you for viewing our story. Please take the time to find a need to meet or give someone the chance to meet your own.


The team at AgapeWorks