Community Lutheran Church // First Time Visitors

Welcome First Time Visitors!

At Community Lutheran Oceanside, you will find a group of people just like you. From grandparents to grandkids, our congregation is composed of people of a wide variety of ages and ethnicities. We are all seeking to follow Jesus together through this life and to make a difference in this world for Him. The purpose of our church is to Build Committed Followers of Jesus Christ.

Worship services are a blend of contemporary and traditional elements, music, and liturgy. We believe and teach the Bible as the Word of God.

Dress is casual to business casual.

Childcare is provided for children 7 years old and younger. A children's sermon is part of our worship service, so kids of all ages are welcome to remain in our worship service, and we provide activities for them.

Parking is available on either side of our driveway off Valley Heights Drive and on the south side of our property to the left of the house and our church building. Our parking area is gravel, so please watch your step.

Family is the hallmark of our congregation. We are a family and love visitors in our worship, studies, and our many special events. At Community, visit us and you quickly become part of this wonderful family, too!

Refreshments are available on our lovely patio across from the sanctuary both before and after worship. The patio has a magnificent view of the San Luis Rey River Valley and surrounding area.

Our Weekly Schedule:


9:00 am Prayer before Worship (everyone is welcome)

10:00 am Worship (A blend of contemporary and traditional elements)

11:15 am Refreshments on our patio


6:30 pm Youth Group Meeting at "The Shack" on our campus (Grades 6-12 are welcome to join attend this combined Community Lutheran and Generation Church North group)


6:15 pm Potluck Dinner and Bible Study for Adults


6:30 pm Free Family Movies Nights (usually the third Friday each month, but check with the church office or the Events page to confirm the date and location of each movie showing - occasionally these movies are held off of our campus in a nearby neighborhood)


10:00 am to Noon Free Food Distribution (usually third Saturday each month, but please check with the church office or the Events page to confirm the date)


11:00 am Women of Faith Meeting (1st Saturday of the month only)

Plus lots of special events like our Family Movie Nights, Vacation Bible School, annual Church Picnic and Pool Party, and many more!

Call the church office (760-722-3337) for more details about any of our services, studies, home fellowship groups, or special events.