Community Lutheran Church // Giving to Support Community Lutheran Church

We have multiple ways you can be a part of our ministry and support the work of our congregation.

1) You can Give Right Now through the website using our Paypal Account using the link here:   

2) You can Automate Your Giving  by asking our church office (760-722-3337 or for our account information so that you can set up a regular bank to bank transfer to support our ministry. This is one of the best ways to be sure you are honoring God with your resources. We call this Automating the Important!
3) You can give Checks or Cash during the offering in our worship services.
4) You can even use your Credit Card to donate before or after our worship services, or anytime during the week. Simply ask an usher for assistance or contact the church office.


As followers of Jesus, we work to be His hands and feet in our community by helping others in need. We host a monthly free food distribution, are opening our youth ministry to provide a safe place for kids to gather after school, provide counseling and family support, and have an outstanding and affordable preschool program. We invite you to be a part of this important work by supporting our ministry financially, and on a regular basis.