Church of the Manger United Church of Christ // We're Hosting Homeless Again This Year

Church of the Manger is again one of 11 churches hosting homeless men and women over the winter months - December 8, 2011 until March 31, 2012.  The starting date this year because of mild weather was December.  Last year due to sub-freezing temperature, the Manger church doors opened in November to house homeless men from the frigid temperatures and bad storms.  We receive our guests on Mondays to provide a warm, safe place to spend the night after having a delicious meal prepared by volunteers.

Last year we averaged 22 men a night, ages 19 to 68.  One evening we had 29 guests.  While 15 of our men were with us the prior year, we had 53 new faces pass through our doors.  Some only stayed for a short time.

Pastor Sharon and I are always there to answer your questions or concerns.  One of us is always there overnight with other volunteers.  The Manger has been voted by the men as the best places in town for vittles!

Thank you for supporting the program.  I look at it this way.  I have so much.  I have the basic necessities.  Some of our guests have little or none.  They com to us lost, cold and alone.  They find warm shelter and are nourished by our food.  We are friends among friends.  God bless and thank you.

Betsy Easen