Promosome // Synthetic Ribosome Technology

This vector system enables fundamental studies of ribosome structure and function. This includes identification of specific interactions between ribosomal RNA and cellular factors, including but not limited to mRNAs, cytoskeleton, and nuclear export factors. Subsequent modification of interactions with these cellular factors may be used to regulate translation by the ribosome. In Bioproduction specific mutations in 18S rRNA that facilitate specific base pairing interactions with mRNA sequences can be used to increase the expression of a protein of interest. In synthetic biology. This system can be used to develop ribosomes with altered function, including the ability to evolve and select rRNA sequences with altered functions. Thereby the advantages, particularly as it relates to commercialization, expression of ribosomes that preferentially translate specific mRNAs more efficiently than endogenous ribosomes may be used to increase the yield of a protein of interest, for example, a therapeutic protein or an industrial enzyme recombinant or natural, and decrease cost of production.