Northwest Southern Baptist Church // What we Believe


He is creator, sustainer, and ultimate judge of all creation. The world has been created for His glory and we can participate with His purposes as His adopted children


He is the fully human, fully divine incarnation of God who was born, crucified and resurrected as an example of our living as well as the substitute payment for our sin.


He is God in spirit form, active in the world today. He convicts of sin, convinces and comforts Christians and gives gifts to be used in the building of the Kingdom of God .


Salvation occurs by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.


The church is the body of believers in Christ whose purpose is to glorify God, give direction to the lost and train disciples. It is to be organized so that the leadership equips the membership to do the ministry of the church.


The Bible is the infallible, inspired Word of God. It is the basis of all teaching of this church.


Members must have accepted Jesus Christ by a personal relationship as Savior and Lord. They must be baptized by immersion. Members may join by baptism, by letter from a sister church, or by a statement that they are saved and have been baptized by immersion. We also believe every member is called of God to be actively involved in a ministry for which God has gifted and equipped them.