Neolaia Nutraceuticals // Concept #5 Effective communication

Yes, your body will communicate with you if you let it, by paying attention to, observing and being aware of what your body is constantly in the process of telling you. This occurs in many ways. If you body needs rest, you get tired, if it needs nourishment you get hungry, if you start having trouble seeing at night, you may need one or more of vitamin A, B2 or zinc (these are the primary nutrients that are usually involved in difficulty seeing at night), etc. By listening to your body signs and symptoms, you can get a clear picture of exactly what it needs.


It may take some research or assistance from others, but you must listen to and take note of what your body tells you in order to effectively address its needs. All you have to do is keep adding up the information until enough is available to present a clear picture of what is exactly needed. When you achieve this, you can and will obtain as well as maintain health and wellness.  This will allow you to accept Concept #6.


Concept #6 We were meant to be healthy and successful