Neolaia Nutraceuticals // The Foundational Approach to Health


From the Desk of Dr. J. Michael Ernest


Re: The Foundational Approach to Health


Dear Health Assurance Services member,


In order to achieve the highest level of health and wellness, I would like to present to you some information that can help you understand the processes involved in the loss of health as well as restoration and maintenance of excellent health. This is important because knowledge and understanding are the keys that unlock the doors to success. It even states in the Bible (Hosea 4:6) that lack of knowledge leads to destruction. This is one of the major and vital reasons for the overwhelming health problems that exists today. There are more kinds of illnesses that are ravaging people’s bodies for longer periods than ever before in recorder history. Why is this the case? Read on and I will explain. (This is lengthy, but if you desire health and wellness, it is well worth reading).


Lets start at the beginning. In the beginning, there was food and herbs. The food was for nourishment and the herbs for our medicinal needs. This is mentioned in the first book of Genesis. Our creator provided these for us so that we could effectively address all of our needs. The food was complete and when it was grown as we were directed, it contained all that was required for us to sustain and maintain health and wellness. It wasn’t until man decided to make changes in how the food was grown, how it was processed, and even how some was made with non live chemicals, that the onslaught of health problems began to arise and take its toll on the human body. Modern farming practices have caused foods to be deficient in essential elements, such as minerals and phytonutrients. In order for foods to have long shelf life, enzymes are removed, which are the very elements required to break down and enable digestion of the nutrients that are present, so they can be utilized by the body. Then there are food stuffs that are called food (junk food) that is partly or mostly non live chemicals (inorganic rather than organic-which is live or supports health). These foods or food stuffs cause deficiencies and imbalances in nutrients and not only prevent optimum health, they are a major contributing factor to diseases and health problems.


As for the herbs for medicinal support, there is the whole herb and then there are active ingredients or substances contained within the herbs. When the whole herb is consumed, it has a synergistic effect (whole, complete, addresses all aspects or cause), but when only the active substance is extracted and used, it only addresses the symptoms and not the cause of the problem or condition. Man (the opportunistic parasitic ones) identified the active substances and have produced them in the form of pharmaceutical drugs, called them medicines and only intend to utilize them for treating systems, so that a dependency of continuing to have to use them is required. Additionally, they found out that by the drugs not effectively addressing the cause of a health problem, that many if not all, of the drugs also caused other complications, which could then be treated with other medications that were developed, again only utilizing active ingredients. This has produced one of, if not the most profitable form of businesses that has ever been devised on the earth. This unethical and greedy practice only affords people, at best, a little, short lived relief, does not assist at all in correcting the health problem, and creates additional health conditions. It utilizes people as sacrificial money sources to be deceived, manipulated, abused and sucked dry of health, finances and happiness. This ranks up with one of the most atrocious abuses of humanity throughout all recorded history. Enough of this, lets get back to the basics.

Note: When Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:7) had an affliction, he turned to God and a poultice of figs extended his life 15 years. When Asa, (2 Chronicles 16: 12,13) became sick, a point is brought out that he went to the physicians rather than God, so he died. He placed his faith in man, not God or God’s medicine.


FACT# 1: Our creator provided for our health [real wholesome foods and herbs] and man’s changes [drugs] has caused the opposite (for the benefit of a few men at the expense of others).  


There is a statement: ‘survival of the fittest’, which means that the stronger or more fit (healthy) one is, the longer and better they survive (live). This holds true to the quality of one’s health and wellness. There are a whole host of health enemies waiting for any opportunity to invade and ravage our bodies. Actually there is a good reason why these exist. Yes, a good reason. They were put here on earth to assist our physical bodies in returning to dust (to decompose) when we die. They were not, however supposed to begin this process before we die! Yet, many people’s bodies are so unhealthy, that this process has already begun and they are literally decomposing while still alive. It is not a pleasant experience at all. It is more like an ongoing form of physical abuse, torment and internal torture that almost always gets worse and worse until death.


Our creator has also provided us a means of protection until these decomposing elements are supposed to take over (after death). It is called the immune system. When we are born, our immune system is ready to protect us from these elements that are supposed to assist in our decomposition after death. There are two critical factors that are involved in having a healthy functioning immune system. They are: 1) that our parents are nutritionally sound and thus provide the necessary nutrients to produce a healthy immune system, and 2) that the mother pass on to the new born a substance  that allows the immune system to communicate in a way that it can produce ammunition (antibiotics) to protect us from these elements that are enemies while we are still alive. This process is complex and I will not go into all of the details, but to simplify it, I will refer to the main substance as Transfer Factor because it allows certain cells to transfer information between cells that are involved in protecting our body from harmful elements. This substance is supposed to be provided in mother’s milk (in the colostrum portion of the milk) during breast feeding with the highest amounts available during the first three days after birth. If someone is not breast feed, they do not receive this substance and the body must then rely on a back up system (which exists, but is only about 10% as effective as a healthy complete immune system). This Transfer Factor substance is supposed to last an entire life time as no mammals naturally are provided colostrum after their weaning period. Even if someone had been breast fed, they may not have received adequate amounts of Transfer Factor due to certain aspects of the mother’s health. Some of these include, a poor state of health and insufficient available nutrients, amount of toxic substances in the mother’s body, and parasitic infestations. There are also other factors that can cause the loss of Transfer Factor for those who were fortunate enough to receive it at birth. These include, metal dental filings, toxic substances, body being too acetic, and parasites. It is vitally important that our body’s immune system is strong enough to effectively fight off attacks from elements that are our enemies while we are alive. When one has a weakened immune system, opportunists (also called parasites) are able to establish themselves within the body and feed on the available nutrients, leaving what is left over for the person to try and exist on. This situation then compounds the deficiencies that already exists from foods and food stuffs and adds to the health problems by creating greater deficiencies and imbalances as well as toxic waste released from the parasitic elements. A healthy immune system was designed to and does prevent this from occurring when it is nutritionally sound and is able to effectively communicate (adequate Transfer Factor).

Note: You cannot avoid parasites – you can, however prevent any and all from establishing themselves within your body by having a strong enough immune system to fight them off.


FACT #2 Optimum health requires a sound and healthy immune system that has access to adequate Transfer Factor to effectively communicate.


There is an adage: ‘You are what you eat’. It may have applied in the past, but what more aptly  applies now is: “You are what you eat, digest and assimilate”. If you consume something and are not able to get the nutrients into your cells, where they are needed and only can be useful, then you are going to have nutrient deficiencies and imbalances. There are three parts here: 1) what you eat, which was covered in FACT #1, 2) what is digested and 3) what actually gets into your cells. As for digestion, it required enzymes in order for the process to occur. Most of the foods today have had their enzymes removed to increase their shelf life in stores. They therefore no longer have he ability to assist in their digestion (breaking down so that they can be processed by the body). Only live or non processed foods (in their complete natural state), have enzymes and they assist in their digestion. If you do not eat any live food (non processed, uncooked in its natural state) then you are getting absolutely no digestive support to unlock any nutrients that are in what you are consuming. If you do not digest, you cannot assimilate any potential nutrients. As for assimilation, here are several factors that can interfere with this process. They include: a colon filled with non digested foods and food stuff, chemicals, toxins, parasites and the body being too acetic.


FACT #3 You must have enzymes for digestion to occur and without digestion you will not be able to assimilate any nutrients from the undigested food.


FACT #4 In order to have optimum assimilation, you must have a clean and healthy colon.


We live in a world of chemicals and toxins. Our body is not synthetic and was not designed to be able to exist on synthetic substances, yet we are consuming more and more of what we call food, which is mostly synthetic and devitalized (the life portion taken out, which means whatever was once live in the food can no longer grow or produce more of the same). Most chemicals are reactive substances, which means that they produce different chemicals when they get together, which can be more harmful than the originals. This is constantly occurring within the body and their by products cause premature aging. Some toxins also interfere with various biological processes, can cause lesions, such as seen in the brain and organs and cause normal cells to mutate. In an effort to protect itself, the body stores toxins and chemicals in fat cells. This could be one reason that some people have access fat cells because they have so much toxins that the body produces more fat to store them in. These toxins also cause the body to slow down, causing excessive fat accumulation. When the body can no longer effectively store the toxins, venerable areas become exposed, such as the brain, liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, etc. and causes damage and health problems. The ABC’s of health is Always Be Cleansing and removing toxins rather that storing them. In order to accomplish this adequate fiber must be consumed as well as having a clean colon and healthy liver. This is where herbs can be helpful in assisting to break down toxins and assist in their removal.


FACT #5  In order to maintain health, you must Always Be Cleansing toxins from the body and have a clean colon and liver.    


What leads to Poor Health?


What are the processes that lead to poor health? They are: 1) nutritional deficiencies and imbalances, 2) weak or weakened immune system, 3) Inability to sufficiently digest and assimilate essential nutrients, 4) consuming and storing toxins, 5) too acetic a body, 6) parasites invading the body, and 7) taking prescription drugs rather than the medicine that was intended for us to take. These are the basic processes that lead to poor health. They may not occur in this exact sequence, but they are all involved at some point and therefore must all be effectively addressed in order to restore and maintain health and wellness.


In my opinion, many in the nutrition field, who point their accusing fingers at the traditional medical field as being the bad guys, are no better that the ones they are accusing. I say this because they too are only dealing with systems and not addressing the causes and therefore setting someone up to need their product to treat the system and not correct the problem. Also the nutritional industry is not regulated and many are using inferior ingredients and promoting their products by using data from other companies and products. This is not good either and it is under the guise of deception, wherein the drug companies list the harmful side effects with their product. Neither of these entities are worth a grain of salt to someone who genuinely desires to improve their health. The only effective way to restore and maintain health and wellness is to effectively address the causes in the proper order as not to compound the current health problems.   


FACT #6 The basic factors that lead to poor health are: 1) nutritional deficiencies and imbalances, 2) weak or weakened immune system, 3) Inability to sufficiently digest and assimilate essential nutrients, 4) consuming and storing toxins, 5) too acetic a body, 6) parasites invading the body, and 7) taking prescription drugs rather than the medicine that was intended for us to take.


So How Does One Restore and Maintain Health?


There is a right way and a wrong way to restore health. Think about it. If your health has run down and your energy levels low. Do you want to take a supplement to increase your energy? Not always! Why, because if a parasite has come into the picture, what you are doing is to provide yourself some extra energy at first and when the parasites get wind that more nutrients are available, they will take more and become more aggressive. This can and usually does leave one in as bad or worse a state that before, provides a negative affect towards the supplement, or one takes more to get better results, thus strengthening the parasites and causing more harm to their health. When this person finally stops the supplements, they are worst off and their problem is intensified. This is just one of many scenarios of how and why it is important to work in the right direction and order to restore health. Another example is if someone takes normal bacteria to restore balance in the colon and they have not cleaned the colon, the elements that destroyed the flora before will destroy the new ones being consumed and the results are a waste of money and effort and if any initial improvements were felt, they will go away and add towards being discouraged to try improving health through supplementation.  


The steps towards health restoration are basic, but also not always the same order. It is therefore important to work with someone who can identify which step is to be addressed in which order. For example, if you enhance the immune system and there is a major parasitic infestation that has been allowed to set up house in the body, the immune response may not be strong enough to eliminate the parasites and they can counter attack and cause excessive damage and in some cases even death (I have experienced several such examples). Our immune system was designed to stop invaders when they begin invasion, not after they have entered and multiplied many times over.


FACT #7 The steps toward health restoration should be preformed in the most effective and proper order or the process can cause more harm than good.


How did Health Assurance Services come about?


Necessity breeds invention. It was out of necessity that I began the Health Assurance Services. I have been exposed to both the traditional medical, as a medical technologist, and the nutritional field, developing products for retail outlets, MLM’s and my own R & D reference lab. I have become frustrated with business men dismissing my concept of foundational health and pricing of quality products because the profits were not attractive enough or the fact that a customer would, at some point, no longer need all of the products. These are the main reasons that I have produced a line of high quality foundational products that are more than 50% less than similar products. They are also designed for the consumer to be able to improve enough to reduce the number of products that they need to take to maintain optimum health and wellness. Some products should not be taken daily on a long term basis. A reason for this is that if the body does not have to produce a substance, it will either diminish its capacity to produce the substance or stop making it altogether. This is not good as the body needs to perform complete functions to maintain optimum health. Sometimes supplementation for a short duration can give the body a rest and allow it to catch up, so to speak, and then make what is needed. It is for these reasons that some of the foundational products are not shipped every month and are rotated with other products. This allows your body the greatest benefits health wise as well as saves you money on products that you either do not need or more importantly would disallow for optimum health in that you would loose some biological function ability as well as your becoming dependent upon the product. If one of the rotational products appear to be needed during its off time, let us know and we will make the necessary adjustments that your body requires.


Healthfully yours,


Dr. J. Michael Ernest