Neolaia Nutraceuticals // Special Limited Offer

Special Limited Offer

Your health improves or 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Greater than $265 value for less than $150

What you get:

1)      Three months of Foundational FSF

2)      Two NutraAnalysis Health assessments

3)      Neolaia Club membership currently providing 20% discount on all future purchases

4)      100 % All Inclusive Guarantee

5)      Free ebook with scriptural references to health and wellness

6)      Free shipping and handling

How this special works:

1)      Before you start taking the Foundational FSF, take one of the  NutraAnalysis

2)      Take the Foundational FSF daily per the directions for three months

3)      At the end of the three months (within 1 week before the end) take another NutraAnalysis and compare results.

4)      If you are satisfied with your results, you may continue to purchase the Foundational FSF at the Club membership

       discount (20%) or set up a monthly auto ship (saving    shipping costs). You will also be able to purchase any

       products for the membership discount for yourself family or friends.

5)      If your health assessment did not show any improvement, all you have to do is request a refund

      and you will receive a 100% of your money back.

6)      To take advantage of this LIMITED SPECIAL OFFER GO TO:  OR call 844-neolaia (636-5242)


Special Specifics:

3 months of Foundational FSF @ $49.95 = $149.85 and you get the following FREE:

2 NutraAnalysis @ $35.00 …………….…=  70.00

Neolaia Club Lifetime membership ………...25.00

S/H (estimated)   …………………………… 14.95

Ebook ……………………………………….. 9.95

TOTAL ………………………………….  $269.75 [if purchased at regular pricing]